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Srednjeveška pojedina




Kar 24 dijakov je za projektna dneva, ki sta potekala 6. in 7. novembra 2008 izbralo delavnico, kjer so pripravljali srednjeveške jedi, izdelali jedilni list ter prevedli recepte v angleščino. Delovanico so vodile 3 profesorice: Meta Vovk, Sabina Smolej in Kristina Frlic. V nadaljevanju si lahko preberete poročilo o poteku delavnice in recepte - seveda v angleščini. Če pa bi radi videli videoposnetek, odprite stran


Our school is very active in the Comenius project “MAKING THE MEDIEVAL CULTURE AND TRADITIONS ALIVE IN OUR DAYS”, and that is the reason we wanted to add a small piece to this large mosaic.

We decided to prepare a medieval feast for our project work. First we combined our menu – cold and warm appetizers, soup, main course, dessert and drink. We divided into two groups. On the first day one group did the cooking (the whole menu), and the other worked on the menu and recipes translations. When the first group finished cooking, they invited the principal, other teachers and students and of course us (the translators) to join the meal. Some students were dressed in medieval clothes and thus conjured up a little bit of the medieval atmosphere in 2008. The meal was truly delicious – the cooks got nothing but compliments from their guests.

Next day we changed places so everybody had a chance to become a cook for a day. The second group made an apple puree from the apples left from the previous day. They also baked “šarkelj” – a cake, because it had been a great success the day before (it had been eaten in 10 minutes). After cooking and eating one must get down to some cleaning as well. The kitchen and dining room were spotless at the end of the day, as if nothing had happened. To prove it was not just a dream, the other group prepared the presentation of our project work, designed two medieval menus and reflected on the benefits of such projects. We all had a great time, learnt a little bit about cooking, cleaning, translating and working with a computer; and what is more, we got a glimpse of how it would be like if we lived and ate in the Middle Ages.


Written and translated by the students from 1.č, 2.č, 4.č and 5.fd1, with a little help of Sabina Smolej, English teacher


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