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Srečanje v Strahinju




Predstavniki partnerskih šol smo se srečali v Strahinju. Izmenjali smo si informacije o izobraževalnih sistemih, šolah in splošnih problemih. Pregledali smo naše različne izkušnje pri poučevanju dijakov s posebnimi potrebami ter se odločili, da bomo izdelali nekaj materiala tudi za njih.


Dogovorili smo se za skupne dejavnosti in izdelke, ki bodo dostopni na šolskih straneh sodelujočih šol ter na projektni internetni strani:


  1. Obiskovanje muzejev, razstav, zgodovinskih zgradb, srednjeveških gradov, cerkev ali samostanov. Po vsakem obisku dijaki napišejo poročilo, izrazijo osebno mnenje o obisku ter dogodek fotografsko dokumentirajo.
  2. Učni listi za dijake s posebnimi potrebami. Vsaka šola bo pripravila preprost tekst v angleščini z vajami za dijake. Tema učnih listov je vezana na srednji vek.
  3. Srednjeveški recepti. Poiskali bodo originalne srednjeveške recepte in sestavili jedilnik. Jedilni list bo umetniško dodelan.
  4. Majhen večjezikovni slovar. Vseboval bo dvajset besed in splošnih izrazov v angleščini, slovenščini, estonščini, portugalščini in romunščini. Izdelali ga bodo dijaki. Slovar jim bo pomagal, da postanejo bolj domači s tujimi jeziki. Podpiral pa bo tudi evropsko dimenzijo tega projekta.
  5. Galerija fotografij srednjeveških zgradb. Vsaka šola bo izbrala 10 fotografij. Tako bo nastala zbirka petdesetih fotografij, ki bodo osnova za šolsko razstavo.
  6. Spletna stran projekta. Romunska šola bo uredila uradno spletno stran projekta, ki bo vsebovala informacije o partnerskih šolah, poročila in fotografije o obiskih, material za dijake s posebnimi potrebami, majhen večjezikovni slovar, srednjeveške jedilnike in novice o projektu.

Srečanje je potekalo v prijetnem delovnem vzdušju. Ugotovili smo, da partnerske šole pripadamo pisani paleti evropskih držav. Italijanska šola, ki je tudi koordinatorica projekta, pripada Južni, Sredozemski Evropi. Portugalci so geografsko tudi del Južne Evrope, ker pa se šola nahaja na njenem severu, ima tudi veliko atlantskega in značaja. Slovenija pripada Srednji Evropi, Estonija Severni Evropi. Romunska šola je geografsko uvrščena v Jugovzhodno Evropo. Tudi zgodovina vključevanja naših držav v Evropsko unijo je pestra. Italijo in Portugalsko lahko uvrščamo med starejše članice, Slovenija in Estonija  sta se uniji pridružili v letu 2004. Romunija bo postala članica v našem prvem letu projekta. Vse te razlike nas lahko samo bogatijo in nas pripravijo do tega, da opazimo in občudujemo različnost ljudi in držav, s katerimi sodelujemo.

Med letom bodo potekale tudi izmenjave učiteljev. Učitelja iz Slovenije bosta gostovala na Portugalskem. Na koncu šolskega leta bo organizirano končno srečanje predstavnikov partnerskih šol.


Šolska koordinatorica: Bernarda Božnar


All partner schools representatives met in Kranj, Slovenia, on 5th October and started working on the project. All the participants shared information about their educational systems, their schools, general problems. They also discussed issues concerning students with special needs and decided to produce some special material for them, which will be available on the project website.

They all read and analyzed the main points of the project plan and suggested new ideas.

They all decided to present the project to all the students, colleagues, parents and get them involved, encouraging students (both male and female, belonging to different social backgrounds) to express themselves in any possible way, according to their own personal interests and developing their autonomy.

Improving the knowledge of foreign languages (especially English) and students’ ICT skills will also be an important point, together with the general involvement in the European dimension of all the activities. 

After a general discussion, they agreed on the common activities to be carried out during the first year:

  1. Visits to museums, temporary exhibitions, historical buildings, medieval monuments (castles, churches, monasteries). After each visit a report should be written, containing the aim of the visit, a short description of the activity, including at least 3 photos and 3 students’ personal comments. Deadline: December 2006.
  2. Learning material for students with special needs. Each partner school should prepare a simple text (maximum 2 pages) with explanations written in easy English, with one picture or a drawing and some language/comprehension questions, memory games, crosswords, treasure hunt games to motivate, help them learn and involve them in the project activities. Deadline: 15th April 2007.
  3. Medieval recipes. Each partner school will try to find out an original medieval recipe, specific to its own country, by the end of February so that, after comparing all the recipes, a medieval menu could be produced by mid-April. The recipes will be published on the website and possibly also designed and printed using medieval characters and decorations in an artistic way.
  4. Mini Multilingual Glossary. A list including 20 basic words/usual expressions in English and the national language of each partner school (Estonian, Italian, Slovenian, Portuguese and Romanian) will be created by the students by December 2006). This activity will encourage students to become familiar with other languages and promote a European dimension in this project.
  5. Medieval Photo Gallery. A set of 10 photos for each country about medieval buildings will be created (a CD-Rom will be sent to each school, so that photos can be displayed during a special school exhibition) by mid-April.
  6. Project website. The Romanian school will be in charge of designing the official project website including information on partner schools, reports on project meetings and visits (with photos), material for students with special needs, a mini multilingual glossary, a medieval menu and news about the project. This will help students develop their ICT skills and spread out the work produced by each partner school.

The subjects involved in the project are cultural heritage, history/traditions, foreign languages (with a special emphasis on English), social integration/exclusion, European citizenship, information and communication technologies, arts and crafts, religion, chemistry. Active methodologies will be used, such as group activities, workshops on several topics (for example medieval diet, clothes, music, weapons, farming tools, arts and crafts, everyday life and general tools, medieval gardens, etc).

In order to communicate the project developments and results and get more people involved meetings/seminars will be organized and open to the general public. Teachers involved in the project will keep mass media (for example newspapers and school radio), colleagues, headmasters and National Agencies informed on a regular basis. Teachers from all partner schools will keep in touch by e-mail to share experiences and get new ideas for the project development.

In order to stimulate students´ interest, teachers will also show them videos on medieval themes, they will take them to performances (drama, music) concerning medieval times.

Students will be encouraged to self evaluate their own work and there will be a final assessment for the first year project activities.

The final project meeting for this year will take place in Cagliari, Italy, at the end of April to discuss completed work and analyze produced educational material.


October 10th 2006

School coordinators,

F. Poças

C. Miron

B. Božnar

S. Tall

Project coordinator,

A. Porcheddu