4. konferenca VIVUS z mednarodno udeležbo s področja naravovarstva, kmetijstva, hortikulture in živilstva je potekala 20. in 21. aprila 2016.
Za sodelovanje in dobro vzdušje na konferenci se zahvaljujemo vsem domačim in tujim gostom, referentom, partnerjem, članom odborov, vabljenim gostom in govornikom iz 14 držav (Bolgarija, Ciper, Črna gora, Egipt, Francija, Hrvaška, Italija, Madžarska, Nemčija, Norveška, Slovenija, Srbija, Španija, Velika Britanija), organizatorjem, študentom in drugim, ki so poskrbeli, da je tudi 4. konferenca VIVUS dosegla svoj namen.
V upanju, da se ponovno srečamo v centru priložnosti in inovacij na peti konferenci VIVUS 26. 10. 2018, vas lepo pozdravljamo.
4th Conference VIVUS with International Participation On Agriculture, Environmentalism, Horticulture, Floristics, Food Production And Processing: 20th-21th April 2016.
We would like to give thanks to all guests from our contry and abroad, to authors, sponsors, members of the committee, invited guests and speakers from 14 different countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Montenegro, Egypt, France, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Norway, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain, Great Britain), organizers, students and other cooperative participants who contributed to a good atmosphere and success of the 4th Conference VIVUS, which has achieved its purpose.
We are looking forward to seeing you again in the centre of opportunities and innovations on fifth Conference VIVUS on 26th October 2018.
The VIVUS team