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Malta avgust 2016

Udeleženci: Martina Kramarič, Špela Langus

Obdobje: 21. 8. – 27. 8. 2016

Kraj, država: Valetta, Malta

Jezikovna šola, strukturirani tečaj: Easy school of Lanaguages, “English language development for teachers and staff working in education B1/B2”



pouk je potekal dnevno v dveh sklopih z dvema različnima učiteljema.

V 1. delu  je bil poudarek na izbranih poglavjih slovnice ter konverzaciji.  Metode dela: delo v dvojicah, skupinsko delo, samostojno delo – branje teksta, pisanje krajših sestavkov, reševanje različnih nalog, refleksija.

V 2. delu je bil poudarek na geografskih, zgodovisnkih in kulturnih značilnostih države in primerjava s Slovenijo. Metode dela so bile odvisne od obravnavane teme oz. predavatelja: kratko predavanje, ogled filmskih posnetkov in slik, samostojno ali skupinsko delo s tekstom za utrjevanje dopoldanskih vsebin.


Teachers and staff learn English

At the end of August last year we took an English course in Malta which enhanced our knowledge of general English. In the course we worked towards a B2 level, had the opportunity to practice English and gain confidence using it, were engaged in a number of practical activities that encourage critical thinking and explored English from a cultural perspective.

The course included the following aspects: Language Development, Language awareness (exploring and building up lexical and grammatical areas), Developing the four languages skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), Communication skill (gaining confidence and fluency), Phonology (working on stress, rhythm, intonation and phonetic sounds and symbols) and Language Development through Cultural topics. Language learning was entertwined with aspects of Maltese history, culture and traditions, food, geographical features of the islands and feasts and celebrations.


By Martina KRAMARIČ and Špela LANGUS