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13 dijakov 1. letnika programa hortikulturni tehnik je od oktobra 2007 do marca2008 pod mentorstvom razredničarke Marjete Vovk raziskovalo srednji vek.


Glavni cilji naših aktivnosti so bili:

-         najti nekaj zanimivega o srednjem veku

-         pripraviti plakat oz. računalniško predstavitev o tem izbranem področju

-         posamično ali v parih predstaviti svoje raziskovanje sošolcem in gostom projekta Comenius

-         uriti se v angleščini

-         razumeti pomembnost kulturne in zgodovinske tradicije.



Raziskovali smo:

-         srednjeveška zelišča (poznali so mnogo zelišč, ki so jih večinoma uporabljali za zdravljenje bolezni)

-         srednjeveška oblačila (navdušeni smo bili nad ženskim nakitom)

-         srednjeveške gradove (Predjamski grad in blejski grad)

-         najstarejše zapise v slovenščini (Brižinski spomeniki – nastali naj bi v 9. stoletju

-         srednjeveške raziskovalce (odkrivali so svet)

-         alkimiste (skušali so odkriti skrivnost večnega življenja in kako izdelati zlato)

-         srednjeveško orožje (fantje so bili najbolj navdušeni nad helebardami).



Dijaki so radi raziskovali te stvari. Edini problem so bili prevodi v angleščino, pri čemer jim je pomagala njihova profesorica angleščine ga. Darinka Kern.





The 13 students of the first horticulture class researched the Medieval Ages during their class hours with their head teacher Marjeta Vovk from October 2007 to March 2008.


The main objectives of their activities were:

-          to find something interesting from the medieval ages

-          to make a poster or a presentation about the chosen area

-          to present their researching individually or in pairs to the other students of the class and to the guests from Comenius project

-          to train the English language

-          to understand why is the cultural and historical heritage so important.


We were researching:

-          medieval herbs (they knew a lot of herbs, they were used mostly for curing the diseases)

-          medieval clothes (we were astonished about the women’s clothes and jewelry)

-          medieval castles (The Predjama Castle, The Bled Castle)

-          the oldest Slovenian formulations – the Brižine monuments – from the 9. century)

-          medieval researchers (they were researching the world)

-          alchemists  (alchemists tried to solve the wisdom of eternal life and how to make gold)

-          medieval weapons (the boys prefer helebarda).


The students liked to do such things; the only problem was the translation of their posters or presentations. Their English teacher Darinka Kern helped them.